Become a Member

RFSLPhoto: Eveline Johnsson

RFSL works for LGBTQ people's rights in Sweden and the world. We arrange safe meeting spaces, educate and do political advocacy. Everybody who wants to support LGBTQ people's rights are welcome as members. Thank you for your interest!

Membership fee

The membership fee in RFSL is 100 SEK per year.

Up until the year you turn 26 you can become a member of FSL Ungdom. The membership fee in RFSL Ungdom is 50 SEK per year. Between the ages of 27 and 30 you can also be a member of RFSL Ungdom, but without the youth discount.

To become a member, click here. You can pay through automatic payment service, bank giro, text message or credit card.

Pay via text message, write a text to 72989 and in the message you write RFSLmedlem followed by your social security number (RFSLmember yyyymmddxxxx).

Arguments for becoming a member 

  • As a member you take a stand for LGBTQ people’s rights
  • You are making RFSL’s work possible, locally, nationally and internationally
  • Every member means a stronger voice and stronger muscles in RFSL’s work in making a difference
  • As a member you become updated in LGBTQ issues
  • RFSL meets with strong resistance from homophobic, transphobic and biphobic forces in Sweden and the world and needs more friends who take a stand
  • As a member you get access to meeting places and events, locally and nationally
  • You can influence RFSL